I am available for classroom presentations of “Over in the Valley.” The presentation includes sharing my book in a sing-along format, information about the book-making process, and the natural science that is featured in the story. Students learn about the habitats and animals of the San Joaquin Valley and get to create a watercolor painting during the 1-hour session. The presentation is most appropriate for students in Kinder to 3rd grade. Signed copies of the book will be available for purchase at scheduled events.
My self-published picture book is an exquisitely illustrated snapshot of Valley wildlife. I adapted the story from the traditional song “Over in the Meadow,” handed down for generations by my family members. I modified the song to reflect species that are native to the San Joaquin Valley, and produced the watercolor illustrations.
The illustrations include the California Red Legged Frog, the San Joaquin Pocket Mouse, Bell’s Vireo, Rainbow Trout, San Joaquin Kit Fox, Western Pond Turtle, Lange’s Metalmark Butterfly, San Joaquin Antelope Squirrel, Great Blue Heron, Giant Garter Snake, Swainson’s Hawk, Coyote, Rufous Hummingbird, Western Big-Eared Bat, California Tiger Salamander, Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard, Riparian Brush Rabbit and even the “lowly” Honey Bee. Many live in the unique habitats of the rivers, riparian forest and seasonal wetlands that are rapidly disappearing from the valley, or being altered for other purposes. Sometimes we forget how important all these creatures are to the environment. All the way up and down the food chain, each plays an important role in the natural treasure that is the San Joaquin Valley.”
Schedule a Spring 2012 presentation during January and receive a FREE preview copy of the book, plus 10% off the price of workshops.
For additional information or to schedule a presentation, visit web.me.com/llknoll, or email llknoll@sbcglobal.net